Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ideas after looking at Mona Hatoum's work.

Mona Hatoum seems to deal with opposites or what you see is not what you get. An idea for a film could be showing fast moving film to slow music and slow moving film to fast music.Violent scenes or shapes that are hard to look at with calming music and harmonious patterns or views with harsh sounds. I am not sure what effect this would have on the senses if any, or how hard it would be to acheive.

MonaHatoum 'Light At The End'

Mona Hatoum 'Light At The End'
This installation consists of an iron frame and five electrical elements. It represents a tunnel with red,orange and yellow lights at the end. The colour is appealing in contrast to the dark tunnel. However only when the veiwer moves closer do you realise the danger. The colours are electiric and dangerous the warmness of red is transformed to the violent red of blood. This shows that colour can have a different meaning when veiwed in a diffent context.

Mona Hatoum is Palestinian and started as a performance artist but is better known for her mechanical installations and was nominated for the Turner Prize.Her work involves light,sound,violence,oppression,voyeurism,vulnerability and confrontational themes.

First thoughts after being stressed.

Hi there,
At last i feel i can write something more personal in my blog(sketch book).So far i have added information found on the internet which have interested me. After working on the apple macs in college then trying to make it all work on my pc i felt stressed out because i am not good on computers. Credit to my husband and his patience.

Well here i am thinking about what my 6 min video can be about.After reading about Steve Mcqeen i have started to think about using unusual camers angles maybe low near my feet like his picture from 'Deadpan'.Or strap a camera to my leg like Gary Hill did when he filmed 'Crux'.I have been playing around with my digital camera filming the dog from low down angles. Its not good so need more practice. Might get more ideas when we do some work on imovies and i have looked at more artists work.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gary Hill 'Crux'

He strapped five video cameras to his body so that the reactions of his movements were recorded while he journeyed through semi wild landscape.He placed five monitors in the shape of a cross for the audience to veiw.

Deadpan by Steve Mcqueen

Steve Mcqeen won the Turner Prize in 1999.(Tacy Emin came second although most people think that she won.)In his vidio 'Deadpan' a building collapes round him, he shows no reaction and only escapes injury by standing where the window frame falls.It is a recreation of a Buster Keaton silent movie stunt.His trade mark is to use extreme and unusual camera angles

Douglas Gordon 24hr Psycho

Douglas Gordon sreened Hitchcocks Psycho at two frames a second,which would be almost impossible to watch.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Douglas Gordon

Douglas Gordons work is reframing and manipulating film stills to alter the viewers perceptions. This film still of the elephant looks sad at first glance because it appears to have fallen over. After studying the image for a while the reverse could be true; the elephant maybe getting up from sleeping.