Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ideas for projection.

It was interesting today to see other peoples ideas and blogs. The more i look into the video installations the more i am finding it interesting. It's just the technical side of things i find off putting. When we went into the art studios i was very inpressed when we were looking at projecting on to different surfaces and a whole load of new ideas came to mind. Maybe this lesson should've been at the beginning. The papier mache ball looked good with images projected on it so i was happy it had not been a waste of time. I am going to attach some fishing wire and cover it with mod rock.Although i quite liked Kits idea of using latex. It may give a matt finish and look more human. Although an eye ball is shiney. Not sure how to acheive that, maybe gloss paint. Anyway we will give this some thought over the next few days. Liked the idea of blocking off the edges of the film with cardboard with a hole in it so that there is no extra fim and it is all concentrated on the ball. We will have to experiment with the projection to decide on angles and distances and whether we need two projectors.

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