Monday, February 19, 2007

Evaluation of New Media and Sculpture Project

I feel like i have been on a journey with this project because i have had so many ups and downs a long the way. My first thoughts were,this is scary because i am not good on computers and i have never taken an interest in vido art. I didn't follow the audacity and imovie lessons very well and i didn't make the connection between video and sculpture. Which left me feeling very negative with the whole thing. Anyway as time went on and other people seemed as confused as me and i had another imovie lesson with Rob,i became more confident.
Robyn Ally and myself decided to work together after seeing that our ideas were similar.I was a bit apprehensive because i had not enjoyed the times we had worked with other people. It worked out really well right from the start, as we all brought our own footage to the project it fitted well together. We have known each other before starting our degree so we weren't afraid off offending one another with our opinions. So i think we were all happy with the final outcome.

evaluation continued....

We didn't want the veiwer to be bored so so we kept the length of the clips very short which meant we needed alot of footage. So we were glad there was three of us collecting ideas. People may think that because there was three of us we have not put as much effort into the work but this is not the case as we had three people to please. The video is about the Minds Eye and how we visualise images in our brain. So it starts with going in through the eye and into the brain where random thoughts occur. The images we chose were quite dark,worrying and dream like, but ended on a happier feeling. Everyone who saw the video had a different interpretation of it which is what we liked about it. After my first negative thoughts about this project i feel i have put a lot of work into it but got a lot out of it. I am very proud of our finished video and have learnt alot along the way.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Turbulant Orb by Ned Kahn

Intended to suggest the veiw of the earth from space.The sculpture consists of a large rotating,spherical glass ball,filled with deep blue fluid. As the ball spins the fluid displays flow patterns that suggest a stormy atmosphere.Veiwers rotate the ball by turning the wheel attached to the base. Even when the sculpture is left untouched the fluid continues to flow for many hours. I wonder what the fluid is and how did he fill the ball and seal it?

Monday, February 12, 2007


As there is three of us we had to have a plan so that we all spoke about a different aspect of the projection. Robyn wanted to go first so she talked about the very beginnings, how we decided to work together and where the idea came from. Ally talked about how we progressed the idea and how artist research helped us. My turn came with talking about the pratical side of projecting the idea and how we came about the sound. I think we have all contributed equally to the project and have worked well together. From my point of veiw i have enjoyed the project and working with others has helped, as a times i felt the technical side of things would have been too frustrating without others to talk it through with.


Blue Fountain

Pattern representing the brain

This was very effective and affter seeing this maybe we would have changed some other parts to be just as effective, if we had time

Lady diving into Morecambe Bay

Mask projected on to the ball

Eye changing into a flower

Blood Vessels

I liked this effect on the ball. It was supposed to appear as the inside of the eyeball which i thought worked well.

Ball with the cross

Setting up the projection.

Went into college the day before the assesment to set up the projection. We suspended the ball from a beam by the fishing wire then worked out the best place for the projector. The projection was going past the ball and on to the wall behind so we blocked it off with some card with a hole cut out. This was critical to making the ball appear to float. We marked off and measured the distances so that we could set up quickly the next day. We were quite pleased with the effect the projection had on the ball.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sketches for ideas on projection.

We are at the point where we need to burn the video to Dvd. We need to see how the film looks when projected on to the ball to get the angles right and if parts don't look good then think about re-doing them. So Ally is e mailing Rob to see if he can give some instructions on burning the Dvd so that we can proceed. It seems a waste of a few days waiting for the lesson on Tuesday afternoon.