Thursday, July 12, 2007

Visting Exhibitions

Went to London last week and visited the Tate Modern and the Royal Academy Summer show for the first time. I could have spent all day in the Tate as it is so large . I only saw the main collection which was my main aim as i wanted to see the Mark Rothko paintings. Which i loved especially when i stared at them the shapes started to pulse with my breathing and heartbeat which was weird. I asked Martin if it worked the same on him and it did. Martin is not arty and explaining some of the art to him is futile as he he is totally sceptical and i must say some of the art in the Tate takes some justifying.
The Summer Show at the Royal Academy had been on the television showing the type of work submitted by the public so i was looking forward to this show. I did enjoy it and was amazed by the prices put on some of the work. Martin pointed at some water colour flowers and said "You have done something like this" I said "If i had done that i would put it in the bin!" He then said "Well you would've thrown away £22,000!" It was by Dame Elizabeth Blackadder. So now Martin says i know nothing about art! Which could be true. I can see this will be a standing joke for years to come. It is a very popular exhibition and i would like to make it a yearly visit and maybe one day actually exhibit.Nearly forgot that we saw Anthony Gormleys 'Blind Light' Exhibition. My favourite work was his Matrices and Expansions. He has made structures of stainless steel wire and has hung them from the ceiling so they appear to float. Within the sculpture are shapes of bodies. Some are obvious and others take time to see. The structures are open and could be described as drawings in space. I also liked 'Event Horizon' an installation where he has placed casts of his body on rooftops around the Thames all looking towards the Hayward Gallery. This kept you spotting them for the rest of the visit in London.

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