Thursday, December 21, 2006

Images found for use as stills in the video

May combine vidio film with stills to create 'Minds Eye'

'In the Mind'

Green Eye'


'Minds Eye Cartoon'

Having problems!

Having trouble signing into my blog! When i click on the sign in tab it tells me they are giving me the option to use the new version of blog.When i say i dont want it,i dont have an option.So when i say i do want it i cant have it because my passwords are used. Also my password and username are not recognised so i cant log on. Confused? Me too! Dont know how i got on to this page to do a new blog so i had better make the most of it.
Went into college to have a refresher on imovei with Rob. Wendy and myself attended.Thankyou Rob for coming in, i feel much more confident now. Will be working on audacity for a while now to get some ideas for my 'Minds Eye' idea. Tried to put some images of eyes from google in to my blog but again having trouble. Signing out now hope i can get back in later.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More ideas:

I keep mulling ideas over in my head and because of this i have come up with 'Minds Eye' as a title, because i can see my idea in my mind but i'm not sure how i can acheive it. I was watching Greyson Perry on The South Bank Show and he said 'I always have an idea in my mind how i want a pot to turn out, but mostly i am disappointed when i open the kiln. I call this the creative curse'. I know how he feels!
'Minds Eye'
Project video and stills on to a ball shape that is placed on a plinth as if it is in an art gallery. The video will have close ups of eyes and mouths and images that are being imagined in the minds eye. The movement of the film will hopfully transform the ball in to an animated object similar to Tony Orslers 'Eye in the Sky'.
The sounds will be a mixture of words that the mouth is saying,laughing and crying and blah blah noise which is annoying when i can't see whats in my minds eye. Maybe project moving blurred patterns around the ball to signify having outside influences. This where i am not sure what can be acheived.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

'MyVideo' Test.

Video taken with my camera.Testing out the quality.It looks a bit dark and blurred at times also not sure how it would look projected larger. Thinking about doing something like Tony Orslers 'Eye In The Sky'.

Friday, December 15, 2006

'MyVideo' Test 2

Video taken with my camera.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thoughts on ideas.

I seem to be coming up with a few general ideas for a video but not able to think them through and no ideas for a surface to project them on to that would make sense. Maybe the refresher course on wednesday will help me to realise what can be acheived.

'Laughing video'


Laugh and the world laughs with you.You can't help laughing or smiling when someone else is laughing. A human emotion that can affect even a stranger..What effect would watching people laugh on a video have on the viewer?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sam Taylor Wood 'Crying Men'

Sam Taylor Wood works with film video and photography and focuses on human emotions such as desire,anger,loneliness and boredom.Actors perform for her videos and photographs and she is well known for her video portrait of David Beckham sleeping.'Crying Men' are photos of famous actors she has asked to perform or cry for the camera.

Borat explaining Not!

video: ok go on treadmills.

Learning to embed videos in to blog.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

'My Space Not'

First idea for an animated film. It is about how we live in a box and how we can now comunicate without going outside the box. 'My Space' has really taken off and is great for finding friends and advertising but for some it is a competition to see how many so called 'Friends' we can say we have. How depressed would you get if no one ever replyed or commented? Mobile phones,chat rooms,tex messages,bloggs are all ways of having a social life without ever meeting any one, which is maybe the way you want it to be, but what if they invaded your personal space? Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Tony Oursler 'Eye In The Sky'

Projection of a moving eye on to a fibreglass sphere. There is a reflection of a television in the eye and it is reacting to the programmes. This is a comment on how we are bombarded with media. Now there is much more than television to bring us information and we can interact with information we are receiving.Mobile phones,sending tex messages,My Space and blogs are a few ways.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Bill Viola 'Fire and Water'

Bill Viola's work explores the power and complexity of human emotions. He often positions screens and monitors next to one another to express his ideas.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Tony Oursler (USA)' We Have No Free Will' 1995

Animates non-living objects with the use of projectors. He has enlivened flowers, giant eye balls and puppets.He has the puppets swearing,quarreling and using course expresstions. The result is very ghostly and frightening but i like the idea of projecting on to different surfaces or shapes to change them.

Jane and Louise Wilson 'A Free and Anonymous Monument'

This picture is of the installation within the Baltic in Newcstle.The film based work is on a series of North West industrial sites that have been regenerated. There are many large screens placed around one another for the veiwer to walk around.They are placed at different heights, there is even one on the ceiling.This mustve felt like the veiwer was actually within the building being filmed.

The Wilson Twins work examines the relationship between people and architecture.They often use abandoned buildings and try to project the physical presence of the people who once inhabited them. Their work also includes photographs taken while fiming and 3D sculptures.