Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More ideas:

I keep mulling ideas over in my head and because of this i have come up with 'Minds Eye' as a title, because i can see my idea in my mind but i'm not sure how i can acheive it. I was watching Greyson Perry on The South Bank Show and he said 'I always have an idea in my mind how i want a pot to turn out, but mostly i am disappointed when i open the kiln. I call this the creative curse'. I know how he feels!
'Minds Eye'
Project video and stills on to a ball shape that is placed on a plinth as if it is in an art gallery. The video will have close ups of eyes and mouths and images that are being imagined in the minds eye. The movement of the film will hopfully transform the ball in to an animated object similar to Tony Orslers 'Eye in the Sky'.
The sounds will be a mixture of words that the mouth is saying,laughing and crying and blah blah noise which is annoying when i can't see whats in my minds eye. Maybe project moving blurred patterns around the ball to signify having outside influences. This where i am not sure what can be acheived.

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