Friday, March 30, 2007


Derek Jarmen portrayed Caravaggio as a rebel which was true to his life and his paintings. He painted real life as he saw it which in those days people didnt want to see. Some of his work for the church was often refused because of this.His paintings and life were passionate and rebeliouse which was reflected in the film. Some of the film was based on the story of his life and some was fantasy and it was hard to tell which was which so if you didint know anything about Caravagio (which i didnt)the film was confusing in parts. The film kept my interest because it felt like i was looking at a moving painting. Every shot was like a posed painting because of the lighting and positioning of the actors. This was delibratly done especially when it looked like one of his paintings and you only knew it wasnt when someone moved. There was a humourous side to the film when items like calculators,typwriters and moterbikes made an appereance this added a light hearted side to a mostly sombre film. I enjoyed the film even though i was not ready to do any painting after it.

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