Thursday, March 29, 2007

Once in a Painting by John Berger

I have reread this article to see if it can help me decide if my painting is finished. He says 'The difference is in what the painting delivers:in how closely the moment of its being looked at, as foreseen by the painter, corresponds to the interests of the actual moments of its being looked at by other people, when the circumstances surrounding its production have changed.'
Does my painting deliver what i set out to do? When we were asked to paint the object i was not sure where to start but knew it needed to have light and dark and mid tones. Which i think i have achieved. The background bothered me a lot because i didn't want it to distract and now i think it works by being none discript. I wanted the brush strokes to be evident but blend with each tone which has also worked. I didn't want blue or brown to over take and have kept to tones of grey.
A viewer not knowing its production may wonder what the object is and it does appear to be a figure covered in a sheet but that would add to the mystery. So i still think it is finished because i feel it does deliver what i set out to do. Maybe a fresher eye after a period of time may change my opinion.

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